10 Foods to Eat to Help You Lose Weight

 No single food will make you lose weight, but there are many healthy options that can help support your weight loss efforts if included as part of a healthy diet. In addition to being delicious additions to meals and snacks, nearly all 10 foods contain fiber or protein (or both) – nutrients that help us feel fuller for longer. Including them regularly throughout the week is an easy way to get the most out of your meals.


a design featuring the 10 foods to eat to lose weight
Design featuring 10 foods for weight loss
Image credits: Illustration: Getty Images; Design by EatingWell

1. Chia Seeds


When it comes to weight loss, fiber is king. It's satiating because it slows down digestion and makes us feel fuller. This is very important when we cut calories is a common way to lose weight. One serving of chia seeds - about 2 Tablespoon - Meets about a quarter of the USDA's daily fiber needs.



2. Fatty Fish

Miso-Maple Salmon
Miso-Maple Salmon 

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend consuming 8-10 ounces of seafood per week because it contains essential fatty acids that we can only obtain through diet. In addition to supporting heart and brain health, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon, sardines, and tuna may Helps reduce body fat, according to a 2019 study by Frontiers in Nutrition.

Seafood is also high in protein, which helps curb hunger and keep us feeling full for longer. Fresh fish is great, but can be expensive to buy weekly. Consider frozen fillets or shrimp, which tend to be cheaper. Also consider canned seafood, which is perfect for simple salmon patties Quick sardine toast or classic Nicoise salad.


3. Cruciferous Vegetables

Roasted Broccoli & Cauliflower
Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower

Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and dark leafy greens such as kale and arugula. Their health benefits are enormous, and a growing body of research links regular consumption of these vegetables to a lower risk of cancer and reduced inflammation.

Cruciferous vegetables are also low in calories and carbohydrates, making them the perfect non-starchy addition to any weight loss plan. These vegetables are easy to eat throughout the week. Use them as a hearty base for meal-prep salads, as a low-carb alternative to grains, or mix them into smoothie.


4. Whole Grains

Mediterranean Chickpea Quinoa Bowl
Mediterranean Chickpea Quinoa Bowls


Many people may think they need to give up starchy foods like pasta bread and rice when trying to lose weight. Thankfully, that's not the case, especially if we choose whole grains most of the time.

In addition to vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, whole grains like whole-grain pasta, brown rice, and quinoa contain fiber, which can keep us feeling satisfied. Plus, our bodies and brains prefer energy from carbohydrates, so eating these foods along with protein and healthy fats can help reduce Cravings for refined carbohydrates and sugar can sometimes sabotage weight loss efforts.


5. Apples

Carrot-Apple Smoothie
 Carrot-Apple Smoothie 

Like vegetables, fruit is a smart addition to any healthy weight loss plan. Thanks to their high water content and high fiber (be sure to eat the skin), apples are filling and low in calories—factors that may help people lose weight.

Apples are especially great to keep on hand throughout the week because they're cheap, last for weeks in the fridge, and are a super portable snack. You can also get creative and turn them into meals. Apples are delicious on top of salads and toast, or in soups and smoothies.


6. Fermented Foods

Berry-Mint Kefir Smoothies
 Berry-Mint Kefir Smoothies 

Gut health is important -- and for good reason. In addition to supporting immunity and good digestion, a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut may help promote fat burning, according to a 2020 review in Preventive Nutrition and Food Science.

Good sources of probiotics (good bacteria) include kefir and yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha and tempeh. In addition to fueling our healthy gut with prebiotics like bananas, asparagus, beans, and onions, eat a few mouthfuls or bites of probiotic-rich foods most days bacteria.


7. Pistachios

Roasted Pistachio-Crusted Salmon with Broccoli
Baked Pistachio Salmon with Broccoli

: Baked Pistachio Salmon with Broccoli

All nuts can be included in a healthy weight loss diet. They leave you feeling full and satisfied thanks to their healthy fat fiber and protein content. Portion control is key, as a serving of nuts (about ¼ cup) has between 160 and 200 calories.

In terms of calories, pistachios, the nut intermediate, have 183 calories per serving, according to the USDA. In addition to being delicious, pistachios offer a range of health benefits.

These nifty green nuts may protect against type 2 diabetes, boost gut health and improve cholesterol levels, according to a 2017 review in Natural Product Research. Eating two or more meals a week may reduce the risk of future weight gain, according to a 2019 BMJ study Nutrition prevention and health.

We recommend buying pistachios in the shell - shelling them when you snack is an easy way to promote mindful eating!


8. Eggs

Spiralized Zucchini Nest Eggs
Spiralized Zucchini Nest Eggs

Eggs are indeed a near-perfect protein, especially when it comes to weight loss. Eating eggs for breakfast as part of a low-calorie diet has been shown to promote weight loss, according to a 2020 study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Eggs are also economical and versatile, and can be prepared ahead of time for on-the-go snacks and lunches throughout the week, or on top of an energy bowl at dinner.

9. Avocados

Avocado Toast with Burrata
 Avocado Toast with Burrata 

Avocados It seems like this can be done when it comes to almost any diet plan. reason? They provide double the amount of healthy fat and fiber, plus a buttery texture that adds richness to meals and snacks.

While they're higher in calories than other fruits and vegetables -- and the research is mixed -- a 2021 study in The Journal of Nutrition found that eating an avocado a day and following a low-calorie diet Women lose more visceral fat tissue than women who eat an avocado a day Avocados in their low-calorie diet.


10. Dark Chocolate

High angle view of pitcher pouring hot chocolate in cup on table
High angle view of pitcher pouring hot chocolate in mug on table
Credit: Penny De Los Santos

Yes, chocolate can help you lose weight, and here's why: A healthy weight loss diet is more likely to be effective if sustainable in the long term. Studies show that deprivation of certain foods or food groups can lead to intense cravings and possibly overeating after avoiding certain foods food for a while. Including foods you enjoy but initially thought off-limits, such as chocolate, may help you stick to your weight loss plan.

Including an ounce of dark chocolate (aim for 70 percent cocoa or higher for maximum antioxidant boost) might be just the indulgence you need to stay on track. You'll also benefit from its heart-healthy and mood-boosting benefits, according to a 2018 Planta Medica review.

Bottom Line

Eating a balanced diet with adequate protein and fiber can go a long way toward healthy weight loss (1 to 2 pounds per week). These 10 foods are some of the best and easiest to incorporate into your diet, so plan to add them to your diet as meals and snacks over the next few weeks Helps you manage your weight while still getting the nutrients your body needs.

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